Deadline: Rolling

From Typhoon seeks sculpture, painting, collage, drawing, installation, and all forms of dimensional art.

The strange, horrific, empowering, delightful, provocative, or challenging. We welcome submissions from both emerging and established artists.

We are particularly interested in work from artists whose practices are in conversation with the notion of diaspora. We encourage emerging artists and especially BIPOC, femme, trans, gender-nonconforming, NB bbs, and queer allies from the Seattle/WA region to submit art.

Please see our submission guidelines below.

From Typhoon is interested in reviewing all mediums. In order for us to become acquainted with you and your art, we ask that you send us digital images or a link to your website.

We do not accept submissions via regular mail. Please do not send us physical works. We are unable to return original artwork.


1. Please email your URL to If you are sending jpeg images, please send no more than 6 of your most recent work.

2. Please note "Art Submission" or the “Call for Submission” title in the subject line of your email.

3. The body of your email should serve as your cover letter giving all appropriate contact info.

4. Your website should include resume/CV information, images, and, if applicable, education.

5. Include an artist's statement addressing your practice and current goals or projects.

PLEASE DO NOT CALL regarding the status of your submission. Our response time is 1-3 months. If we haven’t gotten back to you after that period from which you’ve submitted, please feel free to contact us via email. 

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to reviewing your work.

p.s. We’d love to accommodate all the artists that reach out to us, but we have limited space in our gallery program and reviewing your submission will not guarantee acceptance.